Check Out GuacamoleID

Sign up for the GuacamoleID test trial. Enter your information below to receive an email with further instructions.

Feature 01

Keep Your Information Private

Protect your device from peeping eyes. GuacamoleID can detect when an intruder tries to access your device, and immediately block the computer screen.

Feature 02

Improve Security Compliance

Use GuacamoleID to improve your computer's security, thereby protecting your client's information from malicious actors.

Feature 03

Eliminate Repetitive Logins and Logouts

Improve your workflow by reducing the amount of times you sign in to your computer throughout the day.

Feature 04

Deter Shoulder Surfing Attacks

Protect your device from shoulder surfing attacks by keeping track of the people around you.

Feature 05

Manage trusted users using facial recognition

Using our user management system, you can pick and choose who is allowed to access your Windows session.

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